
"So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another."

Romans 12:5

The "P" in our core values (P.I.E.R.) stands for PEOPLE. We value people because God values them. This truth gives us fuel to connect with each other in a way that honors God and aligns with His heart. We provide many opportunities to get to know one another through church-wide events, outreach events, small group studies and outings. Be sure to check the calendar for ways to get connected to our church and to the community. If you would like more information about any of these events please contact Greg Diehl at or 916-985-8558.

Annual Chili Cook-Off

Whether you come to consume copious amounts of chili or bring your competitive spirit to compete for top prize, we know you will enjoy yourself at this longstanding Harbor event.

Harbor Halloween Party

Each year we celebrate with costumes contests, bounce houses, cake walks, and so much more! So grab your costume and join the fun.

Additional Events

Be sure to check out the church calendar for all the details for upcoming events.
